
Manage a Databend Meta Service Cluster


Expected deployment time: 5 minutes ⏱

At any time a databend-meta node can be added or removed without service downtime.

1. Add Node

1.1 Create databend-meta-n.toml for the new node

The new node has to have a unique id and unique listening addresses. E.g., to add a new node with id 7, the config toml would look like:

log_dir            = "metadata/_logs7"
admin_api_address = ""
grpc_api_address = ""

id = 7
raft_dir = "metadata/datas7"
raft_api_port = 28703
raft_listen_host = ""
raft_advertise_host = "localhost"
join = ["localhost:28103"]

The arg join specifies a list of raft addresses(<raft_advertise_host>:<raft_api_port>) of nodes in the existing cluster it wants to be joined to.

1.2 Start the new node

./databend-meta -c ./databend-meta-7.toml > meta7.log 2>&1 &

2. Remove Node

Remove a node with: databend-meta --leave-id <node_id_to_remove> --leave-via <node_addr_1> <node_addr_2>...

This command can be used anywhere there is a databend-meta installed. It will send a leave request to the first <node_addr_i> it could connect to. And it will block until the leave request is done or an error occur.

databend-meta --leave-via will quit at once when the leave RPC is done.

  • --leave-via specifies a list of the node advertise addresses to send the leave request to. See: --raft-advertise-host

  • --leave-id specifies the node id to leave. It can be any id in a cluster.

3. Examine cluster members

At every step of adding or removing a node, the cluster state should be checked to ensure everything goes well.

The admin-api-address defined in the config provides a administration HTTP service to examine cluster state: E.g., curl -s localhost:28101/v1/cluster/nodes will display the members in a cluster:

"name": "1",
"endpoint": {
"addr": "localhost",
"port": 28103
"name": "2",
"endpoint": {
"addr": "localhost",
"port": 28203